This is one of the classic moments on the show. Whenever they do something cool, retarted, solve a case, or even just make a funny joke, they bump fists and say "Whaaat" in really high pitched voices. I love it :)
So there is a show out there that I like to call "Psych." It probably, or at least I could say, is one of the greatest shows ever! It absolutely blows my mind. (Okay so its not that huge but I still love it.) It is about two guys, Shawn Spencer and Burton Guster. The first listed is a "pretend" psychic and the second is always called his sidekick. They, together, solve crimes for the Santa Barbara Police Department. Now Shawn really isn't a psychic, he just has a really keen eye for detail. He can spot the most random things and that is how he solves cases for the SBPD.
Not only is this show thrilling, it is quite funny, maybe even hilarious. Both of them together make the most ridiculous jokes. It is rather entertaining.
This show has become quite obsession in my home. My sister, brother and me, plus a couple of my cousins all really enjoy watching this show. We quote it all the time and two of them actually have Psych t-shirts. So although I titled this post slightly obsessed, you could probably say totally obsessed. :)
Currently, the show is in a between seasons point. They finished the fifth season in 2010 and they are showing the new sixth season in the fall. I can't even wait, but since I have to....I am re-watching the first 5 seasons. It brings me much joy!